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The Vertical Grapple is a very versatile tool when used  with a skilled crew. It can move vegetation very  efficiently and in a safe and highly productive manor. Piles are simply built as conventional hand piles or felled trees cut into "chunks". Vegetation is then grappled and transported to another location for treatment.

This tool has been used by major utility companies in environmentally sensitive areas where vehicle travel was not permitted or possible. Great for implementing soil erosion control or removing vegetation for watercourse compliance measures by having placement or removing vegetation from waterways or streambeds, the Vertical Grapple is an ideal tool when working near hard to reach infrastructure and right of ways. There is no soil disturbance needed for any part of our operation. The efficiency and time saved by utilizing this method greatly reduces exposure to any sensitive species or situation and leads to little or no impact to habitat or others. A 200’ long line can be utilized to place the grapple, directed by a ground crew to selected vegetation in heavy canopy. If proper planning is conducted, a 20 to 60 ton per hour production rate can be anticipated. Heli-Dunn will work closely with the prime contractor to ensure efficient bucking and measurement of weight of vegetation to efficiently utilize the capacity of the helicopter in a safe manor.

© T. Scott Dunn Inc. 2022

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